Frogr projects are saved with the “.frogr” extension, and you can easily open them by right-clicking on their icon and selecting “Open With -> Frogr. You can turn off auto-upload at any time in your mobile app settings. Until 2013, free users of Flickr only got 200 photos (now its 1000), so either you used to have a. These photos and videos will be stored as private (non-public) on Flickr until you choose to share them. Even if you try to upload a RAW file to Flickr, th. Just select “File -> Save As…” and enter the project name. If you turn on the auto-upload feature on mobile, photos and videos from your mobile device camera roll will be automatically uploaded to Flickr. You can save the current work as a project and then open that project later.Ĭreating a project is simple. If you already have a flic kr account, click on. Uploadr is a desktop tool for Mac and Windows that uploads photos from any folder on your computer or an external hard drive connected to your computer. Now, suppose you’ve added multiple photos to Frogr and are editing their details before uploading, but you want to close the application and resume the work later for some reason. on your computer or you can also use the flickr app on your phone. Note that we’ve used only one image in our example, but that doesn’t mean you can’t batch upload – of course you can. This way you can perform the basic upload operation. If the upload is successful, the image will disappear from the Frogr UI, and you’ll see a notification in the Flickr web app about a new upload.Ĭlick the “Refresh” button, and you’ll see that the image you’ve uploaded through Frogr appears in your Flickr account. Once you’re done with the editing part, you can easily start the upload process by selecting “File -> Upload All” or clicking the orange-colored up arrow button on the top. And finally, there are also some other properties that you can set, like whether or not you want the image to show up in Global. The Windows version of Flickr Uploadr recently got a revamped version that looks much slicker, cleaner than old versions. You can upload right through its website, from a mobile device that runs either iOS or Android, or right from desktop computers that run either Mac or Windows.

Then there are text boxes where you can specify title, description, and tags. With Flickr, it supports multiple ways to upload photos. The name 'smugmug' is utterly terrible, I wish it wasn't so condescending.As you can see, you can set the visibility, safety level, and license type, as well as specify the type of content. I had been considering signing up to SmugMug to start giving selling some photos a go, but SmugMug only has paid service options, nothing free, and the cheapest service which lets you sell prints is quite a bit more expensive than Flickr (which clearly, doesn't enable you to easily sell prints). For whatever reason, Flickr doesn't let you 'Share' multiple photos to it directly from the Gallery like most other apps do. The two things I like best about Flickr are the integration with Lightroom and the ability to very easily share images, but also control the size of those images (I recently changed the options on my account to prevent access to images over a certain size for example). Answer (1 of 2): Using the stock Android Gallery and the Flickr for Android app, you can't. If you’ve already installed Uploadr, double-click it at this time to start it. Its good to have options, and there are certainly many if youre needing to access Flickr from Python code. To add new pictures and videos to your iCloud Photo Library, first open the Photos menu in the Photos app, choose Preferences, find General, and make sure the box marked Copy items to the Photos. Mallorys uploadr, which uploads all pictures in a given directory that have not already been uploaded to Flickr. Go back to Flickr Uploadr and click the Ready button. project that can be a useful source of Python code is C. Privacy options are laid out in front of you so. I have a paid Flickr account, to avoid ads mainly. successfully authorized the application Flickr Uploadr. Using FlickrExport, you can upload photos to just your photostream, a new set that you can create from the export pane, or an existing set on Flickr. I have long been unhappy with yahoo and having to use a yahoo login to get to Flickr. I haven't really invested in the Flickr community, but over the years, that community has clearly waned, the forums are a terrible technology, the groups are either a desolate wasteland or unusable due to the high number of images. Click to expand.I'm not sure I have concerns.